We strive for transparency and honesty in everything we do. There is already enough confusion around health, so we want to keep it simple. We also want to keep our legal stuff simple.

OUr Promise

Our promise to you is to do comprehensive, unbiased research. To look at multiple sources and share those sources with you. To educate around honesty and have integrity in everything we do. Gimmicks, fads and trendy diets are NOT what we are about - we believe in science and making informed decisions. 

We are a Canadian company, and therefore follow Canadian standards for blogs. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

Please make your own informed decisions before making changes to your lifestyle. 


We are affiliated with Plan to Eat - an online meal planning tool that makes planning your meals so much easier! 

If you choose to purchase a membership to their service, KSPHealth.com gets a small referral bonus - we use this money to help offset the costs of running our business online. 

We are also affiliated with Amazon - we link products on our blog to Amazon pages to make purchasing what you need easier!

When you purchase these products, we receive a small referral bonus - we use this money to help offset the costs of running our business online. 

Become a Partner

We do not use google ads on our website. At KSP Health, we feel that what you see on our site should only ever be approved content and products. Wouldn't it be silly to see an ad for junk food on a health site? We think so too.

Unfortunately, this policy does not carry over to our YouTube videos. We don't get a say in what ads you may see.

We only show ads for relevant, approved products from our trusted partners. If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and we will get in touch. 

How we use your information

If you decide to contact us through one of our contact forms, your email address will never be sold to third parties, but we will use this information for our own purposes. We may send you newsletters and by giving your email to us, you agree to this. You can always unsubscribe, but you don't want to hurt our feelings do you?